2008 Kato 4500 KW Generator*PLEASE NOTE: Per location, the generator is in 4 separate pieces and includes approximately 6 pallet loads of miscellaneous parts. Location recommends a flat bed trailer for tranporation of unit.* Additional Specifications: Voltage: 12,470 RPM: 1,800 3 Phase
Manufacturer: Kato
Production Date: 2008
Serial Numbers: 20922
Per Seller: On September 23,2008, the unit sustained impact damages while in transit by truck tractor. The truck tractor shifted off of the roadway and over corrected, causing the load to shift.Damages include but are not limited to the following:
Two large lifting eyes are bent
The frame exterior is buckled around the main terminal box framework.
The leads are sheared.
Damage to the 2 x 153-01848-00 WP-2 sound attenuation enclosures.
The stator suffered significant damage.
The rotor sustained impact damage and is out of balance.
The damaged lifting eyes were removed from the generator and new ones were welded in place so the unit could be safely handled. It was disassembled for inspection purposes. Please see attached photos and results below:
The rotor assembly tested electrically within acceptable parameters. The rotor also tested mechanically acceptable for dimensions and balance.
Main stator tested mechanically and electrically within acceptable parameters except for exterior frame damage identified.
Bearing liners and seals appeared to be intact but it is recommended they be replaced due to the possibility of Brinelling.
End bells measured within acceptable parameters.
Exciter armature and stator tested both electrically and mechanically within acceptable parameters.
Shaft bearing surfaces were within acceptable parameters.
PMG and PMG stator tested both mechanically and electrically within acceptable parameters.
All miscellaneous parts (e.g. fan hub, hub blades, baffle, etc.) within acceptable parameters.