This unit is located in New England, US.
Price for entire plant including de-installation ex-works is $3,300,000.
Low-cost financing is available for qualified worldwide buyers.
General Info:
- Fourteen (14) Megawatts total between both units
- Hours – 14,000 & 12,000
- Both are in pristine condition
- Everything you could possibly need to run them on gas or liquid fuel is included
- All the gas regulators, filters, air start, pumps, motors, cooling, exhaust, air intake filters, an assortment of spare parts, manuals, test equipment, etc. are also included
- They are currently configured to run on # 2 fuel, however, they will run on bio diesel, # 6 fuel oil (HFO), bunker fuels, mixed industrial fuel, LNG, LPG or methane (note: all gas conversion equipment is included)
- Units are currently off line and in a heated dry facility
Technical Data:
Engines (2):
- Manufacturer Deval Engine & Compression Division, Oakland California, USA
- Model DGSRV-16-4
- Manufacture date 12/12/87
- Fuel Dual fuel (Fuel oil or digester gas)
- Installation Stationary
- Configuration 45 degree Vee
- Number of cylinders Sixteen (16)
- Bore/Stroke 17 X 21 inches
- Brake Mean Effective Pressure 192 PSI
- Specific Fuel Consumption 6400 BTU/BTU Hr @ 192 BMEP – Original guarantee dual fuel operation
- 0.346 LB/BHP-Hr @ 192 BMEP – Original guarantee full diesel operation
- Rated Horsepower 8338
- Rated Speed 450 RPM
- Starting System Pilot air, Gear driven distributor
- Displacement/Cylinder 4766.6 cubic inches
- Total Displacement 72,265.6 cubic inches
- Flywheel diameter 90 inches
- Intake valve clearance .04 inch
- Exhaust valve clearance .04 inch
- Fuel advance 22K8-23 LB BTDC
Generators (2):
- Manufacturer Louis Allis
- Frame 1X-34
- Volts 4160
- Duty Continuous
- KVA 8750
- KW 7,000
- Phase 3
- Hertz 60
- F L Amps 1214
- PF .08
- RPM 450
- Ins Class F
- Temp Rise 80
- Max AMB 40
- Field Amps 4.5A
- Field Volts 100
- Stator weight 29,912 lbs
- Rotor weight 41,170 lbs
- Total weight 80,900 lbs
- Phase sequence ABC T1.T2.T3
- CW Rotation Facing Conn End