The project area lies within the Boromo greenstone belt. The belt is an early Proterozoic Birimian sequence of the West African Craton.
The project comprises the Malba, Souhouera and Danyoro permits. These permits host various copper and gold prospects and are about 70km apart in the north-east of the Kampti permit and are 100% owned by the Gaoua Project.
The project area includes a 35km-long anomalous porphyry trend. The Dienenera and Gongondy deposits are also located in same trend. The deposits outcrop approximately 7km apart and demonstrate similar distinctive geophysical features. The same signs along the copper-gold corridor indicate significant existence for additional deposits covered between Gongondy and Dienemera, and within a greater 35km strike area. There is a potential to extend the current resources and enhance the overall potential of the Gaoua Copper-Gold project.