Blast from the (weird) past

An email I received today...

I found on the internet a note you posted about a tunnel from Puerto
Rico to Spain. (

You were requesting more information and you mentioned a lady from
Cabo Rojo had given you an article about it.

I live in western Puerto Rico and never heard of such tunnel. I
passed your link to a colleague from Cabo ROjo and he doesn't know
anything about it.

Do you have more details on this?

Just curious....Miguel

Miguel A. Pando, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Professor, Geotechnical Group
Civil Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Mayagüez, PR
787-832-4040 Exts. 3434 or 3718
* New e-mail address:

It's been very surprising to me how often folks get in touch with me about this... :)