Quality Management System For Consultant Supervision For Managing Performance Of Building Contractors In Vietnam

The purpose of the quality control system is to make high quality products and focus on customers’ satisfaction. Business competition in today’s markets has increased that tend the customers to being quality oriented. Many companies try to find the way to satisfy customers’ needs in order to survive. For this reason, quality management accreditations such as ISO 9000, total quality management (TQM), and the likes can be frequently heard and more widely discussed.

Worldwide, ISO 9000 and TQM are considered as the most effective ways of quality managing. ISO 9000 has guidelines and requirements for documenting a quality system. TQM is far wider in application than ISO 9000.

TQM is organization’s set of management practices equipped to guarantee the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements. TQM focused on process measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement. It has four key elements (1) customer’s expectations and definition of quality; (2) Focusing on the improvement process and not the end result; (3) The participation of all employees and their empowerment to make decisions affecting quality; and (4) Continuous, ongoing improvement.

On 8 June 2004, the Vietnamese government issued decree No 209/2004/ on quality management in building projects. This decree requires all construction organizations to follow to avoid related accidents that happened in three construction projects in 2007 until middle 2008. After investigating those problems, construction committee concluded that the owners were lacked of construction quality control. Besides, the consultant also did not have a quality control system to keep track of the contractor’s work.

Therefore, quality control system of the consultant is strongly necessary for both owner and contractor to assure quality and prevent any unexpected hazards.

Mr. Bui Van Bao made a case study on “Quality Management System for Consultant Supervision for Managing Performance of Building Contractors in Vietnam”. The objective of his study is to develop quality management system for consultant supervision in managing the performance of building contractors in Vietnam. His study also aimed to investigate the construction methods which are related with quality control based on the Vietnam standard and regulation, and analyzed the communication process of managing quality and exchanging information between the owner, supervising consultant, designing consultant and contractor to solve many problems at the site.

He concluded that to ensure the quality of construction works, the consultant and contractor are responsible to determine the quality of construction project. All management procedures must also be followed on a suggested three stage basis: input à processà output. Of these three, the most important stage is “process”.

The quality management system functions as practiced in building construction. A model for managing quality has been defined and shown to apply to any construction domain and organizational structure for developing and administering a quality assurance program. The model involves multi level quality management participation, encompassing contractors, engineers, and managers. It describes the quality management tasks and the roles assumed in a scheme relating construction quality control, quality assurance, and the interface between them. This study advances the understanding of how quality management is performed and engages participants at several management levels.

His recommendations for management improvement are:

1. The Supervising Consultant should supply the contractor with their quality management system before construction commencement so that the contractor knows and understands QMS for better coordination.

2. Top manager of Supervising Consultant should update new standards in quality management system in order to improve its management system and preventing quality risk in building the project. The Consulting Engineer must have a quality policy that applies the quality standards and approval requirements all in accordance with the law of construction.

3. Top management of the contractor should take a lead role in commitment towards quality. They must understand the quality policy and follow it as a work quality standard.

4. The owner should have a good financial condition to enable the contractor to complete the project in accordance with the contract schedule.

His recommendation for further study is to find out the influence of Owner, Consultant and Contractor in the project quality itself for consultant management improvement.

His thesis abstract is copied and posted.


The study gives a thorough description of the quality management system as practised by the supervising consultant in the construction industry. This function is shown as an interconnected system that recognizes the main quality system management activities. The documents and records used in these activities are also reviewed. A model for high level quality system management is defined, including supervising consultants and contractors.

The model depicts the quality management system responsibilities and the roles in a scheme relating to construction quality control, quality assurance, and the interface between them. The scheme can be applied to any construction domain and quality management structure of organization. The study advances the understanding of how quality management is performed and engages participants at several management levels.

The use of quality management system in the construction industry has greatly increased in recent years. Because the purpose of QMS development is to manage the performance of building contractors in Vietnam, it is very important to assure quality in building projects and satisfy the client as much as possible in the construction industry. The objective of the quality management system is to improve the quality of construction projects and to enhance the effect and productivity during the building project in order to achieve client satisfaction.

The research methodology is highlighted as the main philosophy. Besides, different sources of data will be gathered in this research, including project documents, reports from local government and project agencies, newspapers, construction law and standards in Viet Nam etc. an exploratory approach will be adopted by reviewing the available literature to develop a quality management system framework for consultant supervision building projects in Vietnam.
Report the findings of a research study, which was undertaken to examine the underlying factors affecting the quality of a building project. It also aims to identify factors that show a strong correlation to good quality performance. The ultimate goal is to provide clients, project managers, supervising consultants and contractors with information that can help them become more efficient with their limited resources and, as a result, achieve better quality outcomes.