Improvement Of The Budgeting System For Transportation Projects By Enhancing Road Transportation Technical Knowledge

Transportation infrastructure is one of the most important categories of infrastructure. It is fundamental in movement of people and goods. According to Andrichak (2005), transportation infrastructure is the durable capital of the city that fixed in the location. It was defined as a long-term asset on investment site. For development side, transportation was defined as the one of the tools which influences two sides of country development. First side, transportation investment effects community development, comprises of social, political and natural, and another side is economic development (Mourmouris, 2005).

In Thailand, ADB (2008) emphasized that the proposed megaprojects program is required to sustain long-term growth of economy. The amount of expenditure in transportation sector is 7.8 billion dollars which is considered to be the third of government allocation in megaproject investment plan. The Bureau of the Budget plays a crucial role in all responsibilities concerned with budgeting such as budget management, budget analysis for budget allocation, monitoring and evaluating the performance of government ministries and agencies. This bureau is also responsible to prepare an annual government statement of expenditure.

For budgeting system, budget is always considered for two main sides which are revenue side and expenditure side. Budgeting is as a document which forecasts and authorizes the annual governmental revenue and expenditure of the state (Storum, 1917). On the expenditure side of the budget, government allocates budgets to project following functional classification of expenditure, such as health care, education and transportation project (World Bank, 2008). The thing is the bigger size of project means bigger amount of budget investing in project. The key important factor is expenditure prioritization. Therefore, principle to considering project is very important for budgeting officers in order to prioritize which project should be allocated budget in.
Ms. Korakade Thamphongsri made a case study to tackle the three main issues such as: (1) inadequate budgeting knowledge using for project prioritization and budget allocation; (2) unclear criteria for project prioritization and selection; and (3) lacking of understanding technical knowledge of transportation project using for project consideration.

The objectives of her study is to (1) investigate current practices and perceptions of governmental budgeting officers from Bureau of the Budget and Ministry of Transportation regarding budgeting system; (2) develop physical model of road transportation components for applying in budget consideration; and (3) propose recommendation for improving budget allocation of road transportation project by applying utilities of developed model.

She concluded that road transportation project is a basic infrastructure which is necessary for the society and needs huge amount of budget for investment. Therefore, bureaucrats who are responsible for budgeting department play crucial role in this task – project consideration and budgeting allocation. Although there is budgeting system used for managing budget, it still has problem in lacking of knowledge of budgeting officers to budget management.

The purpose of studying perception of budgeting officers regarding problem influencing budgeting system is to: 1) investigate current practices and perceptions of governmental budgeting officers from Bureau of the Budget and Ministry of Transportation regarding budgeting system, 2) develop physical model of road transportation components and 3) propose recommendation for improving budget allocation of road transportation project by applying utilities of developed model.

Current Practice of Budgeting System

From investigating current practice of budgeting system, it was found that there are different perceptions between budgeting officers from budgeting level and operational level. Below are crucial points that show different of perceptions to budgeting instrument of budgeting system.

1. Project management: Perception of budgeting officers at budgeting level with problem influencing implementation of budgeting system highly tend to be the problem in part of project management. The reason is problems are mostly related to unreadiness of project operation which mostly comes from planning phase of project. Another problem is related to lacking of important information of project such as project feasibility study which is the main data that budgeting officers use to consider and make decision for budget allocation.

2. Output costing: Perception of operational officers with problem influencing implementation of budgeting system highly tend to be the problem in part of output costing. Almost problems are related with financial recording system from central office which its function is not flexible to be integrated with existing system of operational department. It would make recording cost of activity at operational level difficult which affects to budget record at budgeting level as well. Another problem is activities distribution without considering of central officers before distributing which can lead to unnecessary budget allocation.

3. Output structure: From result, both levels of budgeting officers have good practice in output structure. The thing is that both budgeting officers at budgeting level and operational level familiar in using this budgeting instrument for breaking down output of project from time to time. Therefore, both levels of budgeting officers do not have problem with implementing output structure.

4. Alignment between strategies, objective, strategic plan, and output with the budget: Operational officers mostly have practice problem with this instrument more than budgeting officers. Problem with key performance indicator (KPI) is a main problem for Operational officer. Performance indicator has bigger scale of measurement than actual work. The thing is bigger scale of performance indicators would lead more budgets to project. Therefore, indicator should be indicated with appropriate consideration.

5. Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF): Budgeting officers at budgeting level mostly have practice problem with this instrument more than operational officers. The important practice problem for budgeting officers is a lack of success evaluation of megaproject for MTEF budget ceiling. This problem would affect budgeting allocation. Because megaproject needs large amount of budget, success evaluation of previous megaproject would be useful for considering in order allocating budget to coming megaproject.

6. Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART): Budgeting officers at budgeting level have practice problem in implementing PART at operational level which operational officers do not emphasize PART evaluation on working performance. A lack of emphasizing PART evaluation would affect to decision making on budget allocating for the next project of department. For operational officers, they have practice problem in inflexible PART system for using operational level because evaluation system is belonging to assessment division in practical.

Problem Ranking

From part of analysis, there are problem ranking of both budgeting officers from Bureau of the Budget and from Ministry of Transportation. For officers at Bureau of the Budget - budgeting level, the first three problems, which are the most importance to influencing budgeting system, are problems in part of project management. These are problems in the first three ranks.

1st rank : Most projects are prioritized by the individual policies of high level management rather than by the readiness of project operation. (Project Management)
2nd rank : There is a lack of important information related to the project, the act of which can hinder effective project prioritization. (Project Management)
2nd rank : A project cannot achieve its target that has been planned because of project delay due to the fact that the project is not ready to be launched and there are on-side obstacles. (Project Management)

For perception of budgeting officers from Ministry of Transportation, first three rank include two problems are in output costing and one problem are in part of big picture of budgeting system.

1st rank : The financial record of the government, GFMIS, used by government divisions at budget management and operational level is not flexible to be integrated in output costing system. (Output Costing)
2nd rank : Officers at the operational level only focus on achieving task-objectives, but lack consideration for the monitoring and evaluation. (Big picture of budgeting system)
3rd rank : Central officers distribute activities and budget to provincial officers even though such activities can be done for the whole country at the central level. (Output Costing)

Model Development

In order to achieve objective two, physical model of road transportation components has been develop. The purposes of model development are:

1. To make budgeting officers more clear perception about physical components of road transportation.

2. Help budgeting officers to be more understanding technical terms of road transportation project and it will be useful for budgeting officers in project consideration process.

3. To make use of relationship between factors for better considering proposed physical output of road transportation project.

4. To be used as an instrument for budgeting officers in order to consider project budget requests from operational officers by using physical output to clarify output costing of project.

5. To improve budget allocation of budgeting officers on road transportation project by reducing unnecessary outputs of road transportation project which causes unnecessary budget.

Recommendation for improving budget allocation of road transportation

There are utilities of physical model on budget allocation. Factors in each group have different utilities issues. This part would propose recommendation for better decision making on budget allocation for budgeting officers. Proposed recommendation mainly focuses on improving budget allocation for road transportation project.

1. Long term planning: Budgeting officers can make use of design factors in order to plan and study road transportation project in long term which would benefit for preparing budget. In addition, project would be ready to be launched with completely information and resources.

2. Emphasis on setting and using performance indicators: Budgeting officers should consider result of measuring performance of project operation by using performance indicators. It would be guideline for considering next project proposal for budget allocation.

3. Eliminating unnecessary budget: Budgeting officers should divide important level of output components of road transportation and consider output that relate with objective of the project. Budgeting officers would eliminate unnecessary output, which can lead more amount of budget, which included in project proposal without relating with targets. Therefore, budgeting officers can eliminate unnecessary budget and budgeting officers also can select the most important project.

4. Understanding technical knowledge of road transportation: Technical terms in physical model of road transportation would make budgeting officers better understanding road transportation project at operational level. It would help budgeting officer consider project easily.

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Road transportation project is an infrastructure which serves society in movement of people and commodity. Most road transportation projects are megaproject that need huge budget for investment. Therefore, it is a responsibility of Bureau of the Budget in order to consider and allocate budget into project. Budgeting officers use budgeting system to be as an instrument for considering project and allocation budget. From problem statement, for budgeting officers, there are unclear criteria for project selection and inadequate knowledge to prioritize project and allocate budget. Therefore, this research is aimed to investigate current practice and perception of budgeting officers, who work at different level which are budgeting level and operational level, regarding budgeting system and develop model to improve budget allocation process.

To achieve objective of study, the first objective is achieved by using questionnaire survey to investigate current practice and perception of budgeting officers between Bureau of the Budget and Ministry of Transportation. Current practice and perception would be investigated about problems regarding budgeting system throughout budgeting components included six budgeting instruments. Descriptive analysis by mean and ranking is used to analyze important level of problem in each instrument. Result is that there are similar and different perception between budgeting officers from budgeting level and operational level.

Results were found that perception of operational officers with problem influencing implementation of budgeting system highly tend to be the problem in part of output costing. The reason is almost problems are related with financial recording which is not flexible for working at operational level, and also activities distribution which is lack of considering of central officers before distributing. It would affect to unnecessary budget allocation. For budgeting officers at budgeting level, their perception with problem highly tend to be problem in project management. The reason is problems are mostly related to unreadiness of project operation and lacking of important information of project such as project feasibility study which is the main data that budgeting officers use to consider and make decision for budget allocation. Therefore, physical model of road transportation components has been developed. The purpose is to be as an instrument for budgeting officers more understanding in technical term, and used to improve budget allocation of road transportation. Finally, recommendation for improving budget allocation has been proposed.