MSloane Consulting provides valuation, procurement and marketing services for used mining equipment for sale.
It said that negotiations are under way for the final price and construction schedule of a turnkey Absorption, Desorption and Recovery (”ADR”) plant that will incorporate the most advanced technology for the adsorption, desorption and precipitation of gold and silver. The anticipated final design and construction schedule for the ADR plant project is 20 weeks.
Also, bid packages were issued for the construction of the initial heap-leach pad and site visits were conducted. The bid opening is scheduled for September 28, 2009.
Approval is expected shortly for the final heap-leach pad design previously submitted for approval to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.
The first of two water wells has been pump-tested. The design of the second water well is near completion, with installation expected in early November.
As well as the negotiations with NV Energy are under way for installation of the 55-kv power line to the Borealis plant and potential power installation to the water-well location.